Saturday, March 21, 2009

Gorilla Gas and Mummy Parties!

The first stop of our Weird New England Tour was the PT Barnum museum in Bridgeport CT. Barnum is one half of Barnum and Baileys circus. Bridgeport is also the home of CT's only zoo! Dave and I had a blast exploring both the Zoo and the Museum!

Before we even started our adventure we had to fill up our car... that is when we found what I have dubbed "The Gorilla Gas Station"... this is why...

I was cracking up!  I just kept finding monkeys at this random gas station... Sooooo funny!  The next stop on our adventure was the Beardsly Zoo!  

The first animals we saw were the wolves!  Scary right?  Wrong!  The were all sleeping... they looked like puppies!

Ok, so the wolves are not so scary... but holy buckets this weird metal moose thing is giving me the heebee geebies!

Peacock pals!  LOL! (I know, nice face right... it was really really bright!)

Here are some more of my favorite zoo animals...

I bet you didn't expect this next picture...

Bahahahaha!  Who doesn't dream about tipping a giant cow?  Every zoo should have one!

After all that hard work Dave needed a break... 

Next we headed to the PT Barnum Museum!  It was filled with weird stuff, but they wouldn't let us take pictures =(  Still, I did get a great shot of the outside!

The most awesome and kinda gruesome thing I learned at the museum was about mummy parties.  Back in the day wealthy people would purchase a mummy still entombed in his/her sarcophagus and have an unwrapping party.  It was like a very bizarre tupperware party...

And here is one for your nightmares... =)

Thanks for reading!  See you after our next adventure!

Friday, March 13, 2009

What this is all about...

Hello everyone!  I finally made a blog for my life and adventures with Dave.  I have enjoyed my photo blog and I will still be maintaining that one as well, but after putting pictures of Dave wearing the snuggie on my photography blog I realized I needed one dedicated to us.  A place where we can share our funny stories and crazy times!

We have decided to embark on a journey through weird New England.  We will be using this awesome book (pictured above) as a reference for our travels.  I hope you enjoy sharing our adventures with us!

~Malisa... and Dave too!